Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association (LBMAA)
Annual Meeting
09/16/2009, 4:00-5:00 pm
Captain Freddie’s
President- Paula Graner
President Elect- Treva Beard
Treasurer- Larry Oswald
Secretary- Jason Kirchmeier
Past President- Kevin Stewart
Members At Large- Tami Emter, Greg Ellwein, Marilyn Johnson
Class Liason- Susie Kocourek
Members Present: Jason Kirchmeier, Tami Emter, Treva Beard, Paula Graner, Greg Ellwein, Larry Oswald, Kevin Stewart
Members Absent: Susie Kocourek, Marilyn Johnson
The meeting was called to order welcoming LBMAA Members. Paula reviewed the past year’s events/activities. Jason presented the Secretary’s Report from the prior meeting. Larry made a motion to accept and Greg 2nd.
Financial Report: Larry presented the annual Treasurer’s Report. The current checking account balance is $2,446.33 and the savings account balance is $6,084.13. Larry also presented a guidline for next year’s board to review for planned budget. Jason made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Nancy 2nd the motion.
Committee Reports:
Membership Committee- Renewals for 2009-2010 have been sent and thus far we have 54 paid, which is over half of our goal, of these 7 renewed online.
Silent Auction-
Social Events Committee- Kevin has scheduled the wine tasting for November 10th at the Chamber. Joel Gilbertson will be conducting the wine tasting, which will be $5 per person and you can register on the web. The new Social Committee for the 2009-2010 year will need to be formed.
Training & Development- Kevin has scheduled Managing Risk in a Changing World for October 15th at the Chamber. The fee will be $35 for members and $45 for non-members and will run from 8-12. The new Training & Devlopment Committee will need to be formed for 2009-2010.
Miscellaneous Business Discussed-
The election for the 2009-2010 Board of Trustees was held. Treva Beard was presented as President, Greg Ellwein was presented as President Elect, Tami Emter will be Treasurer, Jason Kirchmeier will be Trustee, Paula Graner will be President ex-officio and the Class Liaison will remain Susie Kocourek.
For the remaining available positions Chad Bjornson was appointed as a voting member from the 2009 graduating class by his peers. With two open positions we had three candidates up for consideration Joel Bird, Robin Thorstenson and Tim Pfaff. Each prospective candidate gave a brief introduction of themselves and what they feel they could add to the LBMAA Board. A private written vote revealed that Robin and Joel would be added to the board. Tim may be part of a committee. Robin was also nominated to the Secretary position for 2009-2010. Larry made a motion to accept the new board and Nancy Willis 2nd.
So the 2009-2010 Board of Trustees will look as follows:
Board of Trustees
1)President- Treva Beard
2)President-Elect- Greg Ellwein
3)Secretary- Robin Thorstenson
4)Treasurer- Tami Emter
5)2009 Graduate- Chad Bjornson
6)Trustee- Jason Kirchmeier
7)Trustee- Joel Bird
8)Ex-officio - Paula Graner
9)Class Liaison- Susie Kocourek
Treva Beard was introduced as the new President. She commented on how in prior year’s we have chosen to standardize some of the committee’s and events to have some consistency however, we are always open to new ideas and we are very excited to have some new representation with fresh ideas. She also commented on how some of the past events have had very low attendance by our Alumni and we find ourselves having to coop events with other organizations or opening them up to the public to generate meaningful attendance. She reviewed the purpose of LBMAA and read aloud our mission and referenced that the by-laws are available on the website. She also reviewed the committee’s and asked that those who might be interested in participating shoud please e-mail her or LBMAA.Org to let us know.
Kevin discussed an idea for a spring event on educating our children about preparing for college. This will be discussed within the training and development committee.
Paula made a motion to close the meeting and Nancy Guy 2nd.
Our next meeting will be at The Chamber on October 12, 2009 12:15-1:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Jason Kirchmeier, Secretary