Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association (LBMAA)
Annual Meeting
09/23/2015, 5 pm
Chamber of Commerce
Posted now for information purposes, pending approval at the 2016 Annual Meeting.
LBMAA President Gabe Schell called the meeting to order.
Secretary’s Report
Paula Redmann distributed the 2014 Annual Meeting minutes. Renae Hoffmann Walker moved to approve the minutes of the 2014 annual meeting; Robin Thorstensen seconded. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Michelle Walker shared financials from the 2014 year end, showing an end balance of $14,987.15 in the account. The revenue is from membership dues and the Riverboat Fundraiser. Expenses are the meetings, where meals are provided free of charge to members. Michelle says membership is at 71 at this time, with more membership dues arriving daily. The year end for LBMAA is October 1.
Robin Thorstenson moved to approve the treasurer’s report; Melissa Hammond seconded. Motion passed.
President’s Report
Gabe shared highlights of the 2014-15 LBMAA year, which included a fundraiser on the Lewis and Clark Riverboat, a state penitentiary tour, a Liberty Elementary School tour, a legislative panel Q&A, an Earth Day program and a tour of Hillside Aquatics Complex with a program from Bismarck Parks and Recreation District. The board also conducted a strategic focus session, to determine the organization’s goals and plans. Joyce Hinman was honored with the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award. Susie Kocourek retired from the Chamber of Commerce and Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Anderson was hired to take over the Leadership program and LBMAA duties.
President Gabe then recognized outgoing board members Melissa Hammond and Paula Redmann.
Election of Board Members
Secretary Paula Redmann and Board Member Brad Krogstad then conducted the election of two new board members. The four nominees were Karalee Harper, Jennifer Klesalek, Tammy Langerud and David Leingang (the younger). Bios of the candidates were read. Ballots were collected and David was elected to a board position and there was a tie for the second board position between Tammy and Jennifer. A second vote was held and Tammy was elected to the second board position.
President Gabe gave an overview of the upcoming LBMAA year and asked for member input. Those in attendance then introduced themselves.
Brad Krogstad moved to adjourn; David Leingang seconded the motion. The motion passed.