Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association (LBMAA)
Board Of Directors Meeting
10/22/2014, Noon
Bruno's Pizza
Attending: Gabe Schell, Jennifer Jackson, Melissa Hammond, Michelle Walker, Kristin Wilson, Susie Kocourek.
- Welcome and Introductions to New Board Member
Recently elected board member Kristen Wilson introduced herself to the group.
- Election of Officers
Jennifer Jackson was elected to the President Elect position on a 5-0 vote.
Michelle Walker was elected to the Treasurer position on a 5-0 vote.
Gabe Schell remains as President and Paula Redman remains as Secretary.
- Secretary’s Report
Minutes from the Sept 8 meeting were discussed. Michelle moved to approve the minutes; Gabe seconded. Minutes approved
- Treasurer’s Report –
No treasurers report. The roles and responsibilities of the treasurer were discussed with Michelle.
- Committee Reports –
Membership –
- 66 paid members, Kristin has volunteers to lead the membership committee. We discussed targeting the last three years of members that haven’t signed up to touch base and see why not. Susie will send out an updated membership list.
Social Events/Training & Development –
- Past Events:
- Prison Tour. Susie said it was successful. 14 attended. Prison official indicated this could be something we could do again.
- Upcoming Events:
November 13 – Liberty Elementary School – Paula – Susie will send out another blast. LBMAA will pick up the tab for the meal and Susie will bring a blank check to the event.
December 9 – Chamber Holiday Mixer – LBMAA will not be sponsoring a table at the mixer.
Future Event Brainstorm:
Jenn will research something legislative for a January event. Either bring in dept heads or other officials to talk about the goals of the upcoming session. Event would likely have to be held at the Capital for greater likelihood of attendance. Jen n will do some research and get back to us at the Nov meeting.
Homeless Banquet – community services. It was discussed that LBMAA could share this event with other organizations both financially and with manpower. Melissa H will look into it and report back.
Post session legislator panel after the session is wrapped up in May similar to what we did in 2013.
Heritage center tour or event?
Communications & Public Relations – Jennifer
- Highlight the universal playground in the Jan newsletter.
- Facebook page
- Website update- Susie will get Gabe Wes Embricts information for website updates.
Silent Auction/Fundraising – Melissa
- Fall fundraiser ideas - beer or wine tasting. Might need to plan for the spring for this or have it more defined for next fall.
Old Business:
Strategic focus for ’14-15.
Meeting times/days for two hour session. – Gabe will send out a doodle poll for scheduling the meeting. Most likely held at the Chamber.
- New Business:
Other events or ideas for events:
a morning (or lunch) chat with the mayors of Bismarck and Mandan. The state of the cities event is Nov 4 that would cover most of this information.
Other Discussion
- Next Meeting –Tuesday, Nov 18th at Rezas Pitch